Getting Started

To get started with Firmware Forge, you will first need to create an account. Please visit and register. Once your email address is confirmed and you have logged in, visit the user guide tab on the home page. This guide will walk you through the steps of setting up your account.

Creating Your First Firmware

Now that you have registerd, you are ready to start using this library! Usage is pretty simple if you are using platformio. All you will need to do is go to the libraries page, search for “Firmware Forge”, and download the library. All of the dependencies will be handled by platformio. You can also view the library in your browser here.

Getting Your Tokens

Before you can write your firmwware, you will need your user secret and user token. To get these, go to your profile by clicking on your name from within Firmware Forge after you have logged in, they are both displayed there.

Writing the Firmware

Usage is straight forward, you will declare the updater outside of the setup and loop functions:

// user and device token generated by the website
const String user_token = "USER_TOKEN";
const String user_secret = "USER_SECRET";

FFUpdates updater(user_token, user_secret);  // instantiate the updater

Then call update when you would like to recieve an update


Its that simple. The updater does not handle the frequency at which update checking occurs, you will need to implement a mechanism for how often you wish to check for updates yourself.

Below is a complete example that checks for an update every 5 seconds.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <FFUpdates.h>

const char* ssid = "SSID";
const char* password = "PASSWORD";
const String user_token = "USER_TOKEN";
const String user_secret = "USER_SECRET";

FFUpdates updater(user_token, user_secret);  // instantiate the updater

 void setup() {
     Serial.print("connecting to ");
     WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
     while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
     Serial.println("WiFi connected");
     Serial.print("IP address: ");

 void loop() {
     Serial.println("Checking for an update");
     updater.update(); // check for an update, apply it if one exists.

Adding Your Firmware

Now that you have created your firmware, you are upload it. Firmware Forge only accepts compiled binary files, so you will need to compile it locally. Compile you firmware, then upload the .bin file that is created (this can be found in the .pio folder under builds within your project if you are using platformio). To upload, login it to your account, click the firmware tab, then add firmware. You will be presented with a modal asking you to create a new firmware. Once you provide a name and a description, save it. You now have a firmware, but you need to add a version of it to use it. Edit the firmware by clicking on the edit icon (the little pencil) on your firmware card. You now have the option to add a version, go ahead and click it. You will then be able to add a version name, a description, and the binary file.

What’s a Variant?

A firmware version variant is used sematically to help you keep things organized. Lets say that you have two climate sensors that you would like to manage using Firmware Forge that will be running the same software, but with some minor settings changes like an MQTT topic to publish to. The devices are running different firmware versions due to the changes, but essentially only have different settings. This is where variants come in to play. A firmware version can have different variants so that you do not need to create a new firmware version for each device that is running a firmware with different settings at compile time. This allows you to maintain a sematically sound versioning scheme while still being able to tweak each devices settings to fit your needs.

Adding Your Device

Now that you have a firmware ready to load, it is time to add your device. Click on the devices tab, then new device. then edit the device you created earlier. Fill in the information required, then select the firmware you just uploaded.

Getting the First Update

The first time you use Firmware Forge, you will need to upload the firmware to the device manually. After that, you will be able to update the device using the web interface. You will notice that on your device’s card on the devices page, that there is a time stamp from when it was last updated and an up to date indicator. These indicators let you know when you device last checked for an update, and if it is currently considered up to date. These values are updated every 30 seconds automatically, but if you don’t want to wait, you can refresh the page to see if the values have changed.